Skuopinh A Summary

A day by day summary of ten days, including Christmas is long and exhaustive.

The past week has been well, family filled. I videoed Christmas and saved the video recently. Lots and lots of food. Good eating lately overall. I enjoy my new winter boots.

Lots of chilly weather.

My hearing blanket died today, but I got two heaters.

Work is well, but I recently applied to Publix and quickly landed an interview tomorrow. Full time and better pay and hours. Grandpa is willing for the drive. I'm excited. 

I could get off food stamps, save a little. 

Get a really good FSA!!!! Hello free pads and meds!

Maybe if not Publix, a Hobby Lobby job?

I would also have access to healthier food. 

I like Family Dollar, but I can't sell to addicts anymore....much longer. That's gotta go. Alcoholics and cigarette addicts. How much longer will the Holy Spirit be grieved by my hand in it?

Relationally, it's okay.

Made another tutorial recently. 

I sent 8 Bibles to needy children through a charity. I look forward to doing that again. :)

Been bonding with Harmony. We made now globes the other day. Mine is leaking a little though. 

Studying God's word still. I need to pray more. Love church more. Always. Genesis and the gospels. 

Dogs are good. 

Mom has been shopping a lot and she's been overspent.

I have major credit card bills I've wound down, even with all my paycheck, but I don't feel done spending on them.

I need clean water. IDK where Jens purifier is. Food stamps ain't for two weeks. 

On the other hand, even if I brought it for a need, flesh would tempt me to spend on the 'not needs' pretty hard. We'll see.

I work today and get three days off. 

Mom is here, but leaving in about a week. DJ and the kids are supposed to come. 

Very short pay week. Gotta keep that in mind regarding my swiping. 

At church now. I managed to get out of bed early for it though nigh sorely resisted. 


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